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We trade in our cars, so why not our seat covers? Escape Gear is making you a unique offer valid to end of September 2024: Trade in ANY BRAND of seat covers and we will give you a 20% DISCOUNT on your new covers!
How it works: We would like you to return your old seat covers of ANY BRAND to us for responsible disposal. When ordering on our website, please tick the box “Apply 20% Trade-In Deal”. Once you have made payment, we will arrange for a courier to collect your old covers. Please have them ready for collection. Once received, we will manufacture your new covers and courier them to you.
Please note:
- Only available for covers on our existing range of patterns
- Only available in South Africa
- Our standard lead times apply
Please mark your returned covers clearly with your name and address so that we can reconcile it against your new covers. Further details can be found on our website:
Please address any enquiries to or call +27217060440
- Escape Gear Team
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